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The Coach

A healthy mind is nothing without a healthy body.
A healthy body is nothing without a healthy mind.


More coffee? Yes please.

More wine? Also yes please.


Elementary teacher by day.

Fitness coach and rabbit cuddler by night.


As a teacher and a coach I strive to provide a positive space where people can feel valued, included, empowered, and most of all, brave. While my title may be a teacher or a coach, I am also a student that is constantly learning. I hold myself to high standards, push myself to be the best I can be, am trying to constantly better myself, and I expect the same from my students and those I surround myself with. We will learn together, we will fight together, and don’t you ever underestimate your strength.

We got you. You got you. I got you.


Tell yourself what? I got this. I'm a Kickass Babe.

The Babes

We got you. You got you. I got you.


Kickass Babes is a community built on a foundation of respect, trust, positivity, inclusivity, and brave space. The world puts up barriers for women and society sets up obstacles that tempt us to tear each other down. Here, we're not competitors. We're not here to judge. We all know how difficult life can be. 


We rise by lifting others. We do this selflessly, empathetically, and humbly because we know that in bettering others, we are also bettering ourselves. We listen without judgement, we support with what we have to offer, we keep each other accountable and motivated towards our individual goals, and we empower one another to reach higher. 


Outside the Kickass Babes community, we're reaching out to others to lend a helping hand wherever possible. Whether it is economic support or social support, however big or small, we have a purpose and we know we can make a positive difference.


Individually, we're strong, but together, we're stronger.


Our mind is our greatest strength. As women, we are often conditioned to be caregivers and it is easy to forget about ourselves and our own needs. We are human and we are just as emotionally vulnerable.


The ladies at Kickass Babes recognizes the importance of taking care of our own wellbeing first so that we are able to then take care of others. Whether it is struggles with self-love, self-image, self-confidence, self-esteem, negative thoughts, social hardships, work-life balance, relationship heartache, or any other life situation that puts our mind in a state of negativity, stress, and emptiness, we will be here with a glass of wine in each hand to sit at rock bottom with you until you're ready to heal, until you're ready to get up and start your first baby step upwards. 


We advocate for creating positive environments to protect our mental wellness. When you are with us, you can leave it all at the door, we're all working together to make sure our own cup is full before stepping out to pour into others'.


You can't pour from an empty cup.


Kickass Babes recognizes the importance of developing active lifestyle habits for lifelong health. We have children, partners, family, friends, aspirations, goals, and milestones that we want to experience freely and happily, and we recognize that in order to do that, we need to take care of our bodies. 


With Kickass Babes, we're fierce in our stance, strong in our punches, and quick with our strikes. We lift heavy and we crave intensity in our workouts. We acknowledge that quantity doesn't always mean quality, and with whatever time we set aside for ourselves, whether it's a short 15 minutes or a full 1 hour, we're going to make it count. We have obligations to others, but we know we also have an obligation to take care of ourselves.


If there's a will, there's a way.

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